Help Me Grow
Help Me Grow Alabama

Help Me Grow Alabama

Help Me Grow (HMG) connects families to health and developmental resources so children (birth to age eight) can start school healthy and ready to succeed. With this proven model, HMG helps to ensure all children have the best possible start in life.


  • HMG provides a free, confidential, centralized telephone access point that links every family in Alabama to a care coordinator who will answer questions and respond to concerns about their child’s development, connect them with services in their community, and follow up to ensure a connection is made.
  • HMG promotes the use of a universal, valid and evidenced-based developmental screening tool in all early childhood settings and provides technical assistance and support for providers implementing HMG in their programs.
  • Making the Connection – Receive calls regarding a child’s developmental concerns, assess needs and available resources, and refer families to services.
  • Educating Providers – Educate professionals about developmental surveillance and screening while promoting access to services.
  • Building the Network – Develop relationships within the community and maintain an accurate list of local resources.
  • Identifying Gaps & Barriers – Collect and analyze data to identify needs and effectively connect families to resources.

Enroll today and a care coordinator will contact you to learn more about your family’s needs and interests.

For more information, click here.